What joy it brings to have you here!
We are a team of two families coming together. The common thread between our team is that we are passionate about our children and nature. We want to make sure in this lifetime we create a fertile ground and set seeds for our children and future generations to enjoy the simple yet beautiful ways of living on this earth but we do not want to do this alone, actually we know we can’t. We need you and other women to join. We wish for women to awaken by knowing how essential their role is in society.
Sacred Woman School is an online global community school that seeks to assist a woman's journey back to her roots and feminine energies. It aims to revolutionize the way we see and relate to ourselves individually and in sisterhood. Sacred Woman School deeply acknowledges the essential roles we assume as women, to bring forth unique contributions to society as well as our collective relationship with nature and the world.

As women, we noticed through our life experiences that when we nurture the feminine ways like:
- Listening to our intuition
- Working Together
- Choosing to be in community
- Knowing and honoring our cycles
- Create meaningful creations to bring beauty and joy
- Spending time in Nature, with ourselves, family or community
The isolation, anxiety, depression and meaningless routine begins to vanish. The simple ways of being with each other by letting our intuitive creativity have an expression brings joy and above all the magic of life returns.
We felt this treasure we had found that was within our own selves and in sisterhood must be the key to restore the balance by bringing back the wisdom of the feminine into our living systems.
Can you imagine our family structure, education, economy and our work force infused with the feminine ways mentioned above?
We can do this together! When we strengthen, go within and unite.
Sacred woman school is here to provide what is necessary for an awaken woman to thrive and to know she is not alone. We wish for every woman to know her power so she may be the one making the choices that influence the world we are creating.
We invite you to join our community and to take our online courses. Help us transform this world to where you dream it to be.
It starts with you!
Unite with our vision: As One global culture of women around the world, working together to create sustainable, thriving communities for generations to come.

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