Dear Women of Magic,
The Summer Solstice is one of the most important cycles. It is the longest day of the year. The days we receive the most light from father sun. I share with you a ceremony that can be done within the three-day cycle of the Solstice which is from June 20th thru 22nd.
Ideas and Suggestions to Spark your Magic:
•Gather your magic tools and the amulets you wear-crystals, necklaces, earrings, instruments, and so on, place them outdoors for the solar rays to encode them and magnify their power.
•Create a Solstice Altar honoring the Sun and the Summer (Harvest Time). •Write a Gratitude Letter for all that has come into fruition and has ripened since last Solstice.
•Offer the letter to the fire (a candle will do) to illuminate, recycle and renew the energies of creation that have reached its maximum expansion. Collect the ashes.
•Now write a letter about what you would like to Magnify. Then grab a stone blow the desired dreams into the stone. Feel... |