This is an initiation path like no other, online course like no other You are guided in a natural way with the elementals and your Spirit guides to cultivate a deep connection with the inner guidance of your Priestess energy.
This Priestess path is for women who feel a stewardship for life and want to support their community to honor the cycles and transitions.
Malieokalani guides you through audios, and shares with you the rites of initiation, sacred stories, through spiritual oral teachings, ceremonies, energetic transmissions and support the awakening of your magic through the online portal you get to navigate as you feel inspired to do so.
She and her guides will be the Gatekeepers of your magic and you will be responsible for walking your path and dedicate your energy to the magic realms that will awaken within you.
Malieokalani has helped more than 1000 women in the initiation rites of connecting to their Priestess & Awaken the powers of Creation Forces within.